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Maryland’s Overdose Response Strategy

Maryland’s Office of Overdose Response is pleased to share Maryland’s new Overdose Response Strategy, which identifies five strategic goals to guide the efforts of state agencies working to address substance use and overdose. The new strategy replaces Maryland’s previous Inter-Agency Overdose Coordination Plan.

Overdose Prevention Teams

Each local jurisdiction in Maryland is required to maintain an Overdose Prevention Team, which works to promote multidisciplinary collaboration to expand substance use-related supports. Learn more about Overdose Prevention Teams here.

Public Awareness Toolkits

Please use the print and digital resources to share important overdose prevention and response information with your networks!

Visit our Public Awareness page for more resources:

Informational Briefings

Xylazine in Maryland Report

To respond to the potential threat of xylazine, the Maryland Department of Health’s Overdose Data to Action team developed the Maryland Xylazine Workgroup to address questions, share data, and make recommendations for practice, surveillance, and policy development. Their report summarizes the efforts of the Workgroup and presents critical information about xylazine in Maryland.

Rapid Analysis of Drugs (RAD)

RAD is a statewide drug-checking program overseen by the Maryland Department of Health’s Center for Harm Reduction Services. RAD tests paraphernalia samples voluntarily submitted by participants of syringe services programs in Maryland and provides information on drug composition in near real-time.


For older reports, view our Report Archive.

Community Resources
