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MOOR Grant Programs

Competitive Grant Program (Fiscal Year 2025)

The purpose of our Competitive Grant Program is to distribute grant funding to the highest-scoring proposals received from state and local governments and community-based partners that serve to address unmet and urgent overdose-related needs around the state.

Programs funded through our Competitive Grant Program were evaluated using a uniform set of criteria that assess potential impact and alignment with our five policy focus areas of Prevention, Harm Reduction, Treatment, Recovery, and Public Safety. Additionally, for the 2025 fiscal year, Maryland’s Office of Overdose Response identified six priority projects that would be prioritized during the scoring process. These include:

  • evidence-based and promising practices for early childhood prevention interventions;
  • expanding access to evidence-based treatment and harm-reduction services for at-risk populations;
  • transportation to treatment, harm reduction, recovery services, employment, and essential government services;
  • peer programs in libraries and other community settings;
  • supporting employment in recovery; and
  • extended stays in certified recovery residences.

The full list of FY 2025 competitive grant awards is available here.

Block Grant Program (Fiscal Year 2025)

Maryland’s Office of Overdose Response distributes $4 million annually through our Block Grant Program. This program helps to ensure that all of Maryland’s 24 local jurisdictions receive a base level of funding to support overdose-related programs and initiatives. The program also takes into account the local impacts of the opioid and overdose crisis and distributes half of the funds proportionally based on overdose mortality rates. These funds are distributed directly to local jurisdictions and are administered by local health departments.

The full list of FY 2024 block grant awards is available here.

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