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Upcoming Events

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Share details about upcoming events with our team! Maryland’s Office of Overdose Response attends and helps promote community events across Maryland focused on the opioid and overdose crisis.

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Partner Events Calendar

Maryland Overdose Response Advisory Council is chaired by Lt. Governor Aruna Miller and includes representatives from 18 state agencies working to reduce overdose mobility and mortality in Maryland. The advisory council shares data related to the overdose crisis across agencies and provides strategic guidance for increasing access to substance use care and addressing disparities in overdose outcomes

Next Meeting

Date & time of next MORAC meeting to be announced
Time: 10:00–11:30 a.m.
100 State Cir, Annapolis, MD 21401
Governor’s Reception Room
Live steam link:

Learn more about the advisory council at

Maryland’s Opioid Restitution Fund (ORF) was created in 2019 to receive all funds awarded to the State of Maryland through legal settlements with prescription opioid manufacturers and distributors. In 2022, Maryland established the ORF Advisory Council to provide recommendations regarding the use of those funds. For questions regarding the Advisory Council, email

Click here to view meeting minutes from past ORF Advisory Council meetings.

Past Events

On Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, Maryland’s Office of Overdose Response and the Governor’s Office of Children co-hosted this information session about available funding through the Engaging Neighborhoods, Organizations, Unions, Governments, and Households (ENOUGH) initiative.

This session covered details about the initiaitive and how to apply ahead of the July 19th due date to submit a Notice of Intent to Apply. Interested applicants can visit the Governor’s Office for Children’s website to learn more about ENOUGH and to review the Notice of Funding Opportunity

Video Recording

Community Overdose Action Town Hall Series.

Community Overdose Action Town Hall Series
Maryland’s Office of Overdose Response is visiting each of Maryland’s 24 local jurisdictions to hear directly from community members about how we can do more to address the overdose crisis.

You can see a full list of upcoming town halls and summaries of previous events here:

For older events, visit our Events Archive.

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