Day Reporting Center – Washington County
The Washington County Day Reporting Center (DRC) is an alternative to incarceration for offenders who have a substance use disorder. The DRC is a minimum six-month program that is non-residential and includes cognitive restructuring to change an offender’s adverse thinking patterns, attitudes, job skills, and job retention.
The DRC uses a number of volunteer organizations to provide services, including housing, soft skills, financial literacy, emotional literacy, nutrition, employment training and employment, family reunification, community supervision, and peer support. Organizations are Gatekeepers, Valor Ministries, Ladders To Leaders, Celebrate Recovery, Horizon Goodwill, Western Maryland Consortium, and Washington County Mediation Center.
The Sheriff’s Office runs the DRC as part of Home Detention at the Detention Center. The County employs three full-time employees and then contracts for case management (Potomac Case Management), and counseling and drug treatment services (Serenity Treatment Center). The DRC is open six days a week; Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There were some challenges in getting the program to run smoothly. The first challenge was working with the Judiciary to establish sentencing guidelines that would allow participants to participate in and complete the program, and the second was cooperation from its first counseling and treatments services vendor, which was replaced with a more reliable service provider.
Participants are subject to frequent random drug testing and reporting requirements. They wear a GPS tracker in the initial portion of the program. DRC personnel also conduct home visits and strict monitoring in the community. All participants must have stable housing or are provided stable housing prior to beginning the program.
The program is successful because it provides a holistic approach to treating the offender’s issues. It employs intensive supervision, medication-assisted treatment (Vivitrol), coupled with “TLC,” and concern for well being by all the staff of the DRC.
Interested in learning more? Contact:
Sheriff Doug Mullendore
Rebecca Hogamier
Day Reporting Center Program Director