24/7 Drug Drop Boxes – Baltimore County
In Baltimore County, every day is “Drug Take Back Day.” Launched in September 2013, the Baltimore County Drug Drop Boxes program provides locations for safe disposal of unwanted medications to discourage residents from keeping medications that could be misused or abused by others.
At its conception, the Baltimore County Police Department (BCPD) was instrumental in providing services and assisting in organizing the program. BCPD worked to redesign the drop boxes to be stronger so they could safely collect unused medication; and installed the boxes. Currently, the BCPD provides ongoing safe disposal of the contents in the boxes. There are now drop boxes in front of 10 BCPD precincts, all of which are easily accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The BCPD has also used a targeted poster campaign to raise awareness on misusing prescription opioids. These posters not only highlight the importance of safely disposing unused medication, but also provide the locations of the drug drop boxes and the phone number for the Baltimore County Health Department. Posters have been placed where a large amount of senior citizens will see them to encourage their clean-out of medicine cabinets to avoid misuse by family members.
Interested in learning more? Contact:
Della J. Leister, R.N.
Deputy Health Officer, Baltimore County Department of Health